Patparganj F.I.E ASSO.

Company Name : Vaidya Nandram Gigraj Chamria
Category : Food Processing/Beverages
Activity Of Firm : Manufacturing Ayurvedic Digestive product
Plot No. : 532
Address : Vaidya Nandram Gigraj Chamria 532, FIE, Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi -110092 i
Mobile No : 9810045737
Email ID :
Web Site :
Brand Name : Karorpati Goli
Founded In : 1860

Nandram Gigraj Chamria (Chamria) business is built on the heritage of 148 years. This company was established in 1860 and has a renowned name in the ayurvedic business of India. The company manufactures a wide range of tasty and digestive Ayurvedic and Pansarat medicines. 

Chamria Group has manufacturing facilities in five major cities in India with a distribution network that reaches throughout India and abroad. Our infrastructure covers the entire Indian consumer market, including a countrywide network of branches located in key areas. Our production methodology adheres to the best practices in the market. We have a large fleet of distribution vehicles and adequate warehousing. Our work contributes to the infrastructural and industrial development of India.

The product range includes delicious digestive candies (goli) and reminds us of our childhood days. Favorite among everyone from children to even adults. Major products are Karorpati Goli, Anardana Churan, Gasso, Hing Goli, Pudina Churan.


Rakesh Chamaria


Patparganj F.I.E
Entrepreneurs Association (Regd.)

Registered since 1993